Relativity of Perception, 2021
by Orkhan Mammadov
New Media Art
1080 x 1920 px
Ed. 1/3
About the artist
Orkhan Mammadov is pioneering and one of the few innovative media artists from Azerbaijan + since their exhibition with YARAT in 2013; who have also emerged on the international scene since representing his home country in the Venice Biennial in 2019. Currently based in Istanbul, meanwhile travelling worldwide searching for new expressiveness in the post-pandemic world. He mixes eastern heritage representation, popular aesthetics, references to surrealism, and documentary conventions in his AI (artificial intelligence) & ML (machine learning) based installations.
His works reflect on the rapid and chaotic changes occurring in technology in the global context with rethinking Middle Eastern cultural heritage.
Mammadov’s works have been exhibited at several international biennales and triennials, including Moscow International Contemporary Art Biennale in Moscow, Russia (2019) and Venice Biennale de Arte in Venice, Italy (2019), Nasimi Festival in Baku, Azerbaijan (2018), Gamma Festival in ST. Petersburg, Russia (2018), IF Istanbul International Film Festival in Istanbul, Turkey (2017), ACCU Festival in Prague, Czech Republic (2017), Dave Festival in Dresden, Germany (2017).
About the Artwork
Shebeke art is an intangible cultural heritage that has an artistic constructive form in Middle Eastern architecture and in decorative arts and crafts. It has been used in the architecture of Azerbaijan since the 11th-12th centuries. Shebeke patterns, meaning lattice, symbolize the Sun, the energy of life, the eternal flow of time, and the infinity of the universe. “Relativity of Perception” is a radical attempt to deconstruct this illusory space and go beyond the normal boundaries of visual experience. The goal of the project is to transform the traditional Shebeke into a three-dimensional architectonic visualization space using generative art tools.
The artwork is discussing the innate spatial qualities of immersive virtual environments and their impact on humans. With the framework presented, the experiment intends to question the relativity of perception and how it informs the perception of our environment. Instead of approaching the medium as a means of escape into some disembodied techno-utopian fantasy, the project sees itself as a means of returning, that is, a temporary release from our usual perceptions and culturally biased assumptions about being in the world in order to allow us, let and for a moment, perceive yourself and the world around you in a new way.
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