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Atmos Sphaerae, 2021
Virtual Reality Oculus Link version for PC
Duration: 9 mins
Edition 1/7 + 1 AP
About The Artwork
Ambisonic sound by Martin Rieger/VRTonung
Created for DiMoDA 4.0 virtual VR museum, curated by Christiane Paul
Atmos Sphaerae is a deep time meditation on the changing elemental composition of the atmosphere of the planet Earth. It uses the poetic beauty of the scientific notation "Lewis structures“ to make visible the atomic composition of the normally invisible molecules in the atmosphere visible. It takes the viewer from the pre Big Bang VOID through the proto-planetary gases, to the life-giving water, the Great Oxygenation Event triggered by photosynthesizing cyanobacteria, to the runaway greenhouse triggered by humans‘ voracious appetite for fossil fuels.
In the Beginning was the Void. The Void is nothing. Void returns nothing.
#TheVoid #InTheBeginningWasTheVoid #BlackVoidOfSpace #VoidHasNoValue #VoidOfLight #UniversalPointer #Nothingness #BeforeTime #GalacticSpace
2) Protoplanetary Gas Disk
For millions of years, we were nothing but planetary embryos of stardust and interstellar ice.
#ProtoplanetaryDisk #NebularHypothesis #Planetesimals #PlanetaryEmbryos #WeAreStardust #InterstellerIce #CosmicDust #PlanetFormation #BirthOfWorlds #DeepTime #LewisStructures
3) Lava Ocean, Volcanic Planet
When Mother Earth arose, she was a seething volcanic ocean. #VolcanicPlanet #MoltenEarth #MotherEarth #LavaOcean #MagmaOcean #DeepTime #LewisStructures #Outgassing #Methanol #Ammonia #Methane #CO2 #H2O #CO #H2S #SO2
4) Water World
We became the Blue Planet, from outgassing of H2O - water - and interstellar ice. #WaterWorld #DeepTime #LewisStructures #H2O #BluePlanet #InterstellerIce #Outgassing
5) Cyanobacteria
Life arose, cyanobacteria began to photosynthesize, and O2 - oxygen - flooded the atmosphere.
#Cyanobacteria #GreatOxygenEvent #Photosynthesis #Chloroplasts #DeepTime #LewisStructures
6) Oil Fields
Life ends in death, ; the dead liquify to fuel, humans, learned to set their energy-free again.
#OilFields #OilRigs #GreenhouseGases #FossilFuels #BurnBabyBurn #OurTimeIsRunningOut #LewisStructures #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #DoomsdayClock #100SecondsToMidnight
7) Runaway Greenhouse
Long before we burn all the fossil fuel on the planet, Mother Earth will begin to cleanse herself of our presence. The Great Purification has begun. To Nothing, we will return.
#RunawayGreenhouseEffect #HeatDeathOfThePlanetEarth #EndOfDays #PostHumanWorld #LewisStructures #TheComingStorm #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #DoomsdayClock
DiMODA 4.0: Dis/Location, Banz & Bowinkel, Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga, Tamiko Thiel, Gazelli Art House, London, UK (2022).
ABOUT Tamiko Thiel
Tamiko Thiel (b. 1957) explores the interplay of place, space, the body and cultural memory through her politically-engaged artworks. An internationally respected pioneer in the realms of digital art and augmented realities, Thiel’s installations endeavour to visualise webs of meaning and reconfigure the viewer's physical experience of space. Studying at Stanford University in the early 1980s, Thiel went on to receive an MS in Mechanical Engineering from MIT in 1983. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including notable exhibitions at MoMA New York; the International Center for Photography, New York; Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich; ICA, London; Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, and the Centre Pompidou, Paris. In 2018 she received the SAT Montreal iX Visionary Pioneer Award, and in 2022 she was the subject of a major retrospective at the Kunstverein Wolfsburg in Germany. In 2024 CAI (Contemporary Art Issue) Magazine ranked her in the top 10 most famous digital artists in the world; she was part of the inaugural cohort inducted into the new AWE XR Hall of Fame; and SIGGRAPH, the world’s premiere organisation for research and development of computer graphics in industry, academia and the arts, honoured Thiel with the Distinguished Artist Lifetime Achievement for Digital Art.