Sophie Rogers
1 - 31 October 2022

GAZELL.iO is pleased to present Sophie Rogers as our October Resident.
Science Fiction and fantasy greatly influence Sophie Roger's work, in particular, when considering worlding and worldbuilding. Rogers uses digital software including Cinema 4D to create simulations of imagined places taking human and world entanglement as the starting point.
“SF is storytelling and fact telling, it is the patterning of possible worlds and possible times, material-semiotic worlds, gone, here and yet to come.” Donna Haraway’s articulation of worlding and writing around entanglement ties together the key elements of my practice. I am interested in the ways in which the entanglement is visible; through mushrooms decomposing radioactive waste and footage of sharks eating internet cables that lay under the sea. When looking at this messy, confusing entwinement, it evokes ideas of hybrid creatures and fictional ecosystems that would inhabit this in-between space. I am also interested in emotional entanglement; how humans develop deep connections with machines and other forms of technology.
Imagination is integral to the way I make work and I am compelled by the use of imagination as a faculty for thinking.
Strange, organic forms inhabit my technicolour landscapes, which are brought to life by animation and sound. The bright colours and textures I use within my work are aesthetic choices, but they also refer to the promise of new technology which has always been central to my research, especially when considering new worlds and imagining futures. Most recently, I have become particularly interested in games and their deep emotional capacity."