Libby Heaney
1 - 31 May 2022

GAZELL.iO is pleased to announce our May 2022 artist-in-residence, Libby Heaney.
Libby Heaney's post-disciplinary art practice includes moving image works, performances and participatory & interactive experiences that span quantum computing, virtual reality, AI and installation. Heaney has a background in quantum computing: a PhD in theoretical quantum information science and 5 years of post-doctoral fellowships including running my her research programme at the University of Oxford.
Heaney's practice uses humour, surrealism and nonsense to subvert the capitalist appropriation of technology, the endless categoriziations and control of humans and non-humans alike. Instead, Heaney uses tools like machine learning and quantum computing against their 'proper' use, to undo biases and to forge new expressions of collective identity and belonging with each other and the world.
touch is response-abilitytouch is response-ability
Mixed Media piece: Instagram stories performance, interactive touchscreen artwork, ERC-721 token and physical print
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$0.00 - Regular price
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Cephalopod Alien (Quantum Computing Study)Cephalopod Alien (Quantum Computing Study)
Single Channel Videos, No Sound
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$0.00 - Regular price
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Ent- Many Paths VersionEnt- Many Paths Version
Unreal Engine 4 app with sound
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$0.00 - Regular price
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Venuses (quantum bodies watched by open pose algorithm)Venuses (quantum bodies watched by open pose algorithm)
Video (colour, silent)
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$0.00 - Regular price
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