Online 100 13-640, 2024
Two colour hand silkscreen, acrylic on paper accompanied by an interactive online interface and ERC-721 token
Print: 45 18/25 x 45 18/25 cm | 18 x 18 in
Digital Image: 5400 × 5400 px
Online Interface:
About Tom White
Tom White (dribnet) is a New Zealand based visual artist focused on work combining AI and drawing systems for over 25 years. He studied computer graphics and visual design at the MIT Aesthetics and Computation group with professor John Maeda where his 1998 MS Thesis investigated the potential for multi-touch interfaces to provide better computer interfaces. His early work on drawing frameworks led to influential software that is still popular today - such as Processing, openFrameworks, and p5.js. His computational art has been exhibited at museums internationally including Cooper Union, MoMA, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, SIGGRAPH, Ars Electronica, and the NeurIPS Art Gallery. He is also currently a lecturer teaching computational design and creative AI at the Victoria University of Wellington School of Design.
Contract address:
Token Standard: ERC-721
Blockchain: Ethereum
Metadata: Frozen and decentralized
COA: Verisart Certified