SchellingFlags, 2018
Courtesy of Gazelli Art House Ltd.
Copyright The Artist
About The Artwork
Flags are an intersection and encryption of the political and the aesthetic, an impersonal assertion of allegiance. The flourishing of identities on the internet has been accompanied by a vexillological cambrian explosion of flags to represent them. Whether a political, gender, sexual orientation, or other identity, every affinity group online quickly finds itself with a flag to fly. Many groups find themselves with more than one, which can lead to conflict over which is more authentic, inclusive, or aesthetic.
Focal points, also known as "Schelling points", are a perceptual phenomenon in game theory. They are values or strategies that people will use because they seem obvious or attractive in a given context. They were a popular concept in blockchain theory when I made SchellingFlags. Using the blockchain, SchellingFlags supports the construction and use of flags as ideological focal points for decentralised social coordination. Any individual can create and share a flag, and any individual can support it. The most popular flags are displayed by the SchellingFlags graphical interface to provide a map of its ideological landscape.
This is another mutual critique - of the limits of identity and belonging in affinity groups and of the ability of the blockchain to represent political information. It may also be a sublimation of my then-unacknowledged interest in gender identity.
About Rhea Myers
Rhea Myers is an artist, hacker, and writer. She skillfully intertwines technology and culture, prompting them to question and interact with each other. The driving force behind Myers' artistic endeavours is her desire to comprehend the changing world that surrounds her. Since 2014, her focus has been on producing art centred around the concept of the blockchain. As a medium, the blockchain serves both as a reflection of and an alternative to the societal landscape following the financial crisis of 2008. Myers views the blockchain as a subject that resonates uniquely, embodying the centuries-old cryptographic imagery deeply rooted in Western political thought. Myers' exploration of the blockchain as a subject for artmaking began with the creation of raw transactions, simulating intangible forms. Over time, her artistic journey led her to delve into crafting smart contracts and subsequently ERC-721 tokens. These ERC-721 tokens, in particular, create forms of property and control infused with a sense of irony. Throughout this artistic evolution, Myers' focus shifted increasingly towards the emotions tied to ownership anxiety that the concept of blockchain property evokes. From the UK and currently residing in British Columbia, Canada, Myers has exhibited internationally at venues including: ArtScience Museum, Singapore; Kunsthalle, Zürich; Sotheby’s, London; Chronus Art Centre, Shanghai; CADAF, New York; Jerwood Visual Arts, London.