Forest of expired links
by Recycle Group
ERC-721 token, 3D modeled generated graphics
Duration: 40 sec
Register InterestThe ERC-721 token presents a forest of expired links, continuing Recycle Group's exploration of the theme of materialization of the virtual traces of humanity. The video loop walks through an endless digital forest in which the source of information is lost. This work raises the question of the fragility of knowledge in the modern world.
Contract address: 0xd4f8f21c27616c262e9de627ae430a7bb6e53a50
Token Standard: ERC-721
Blockchain: Ethereum
Metadata: Frozen and decentralized
COA: Verisart Certified
How will I receive my NFT?
Shortly after your purchase, you will receive two separate emails. The first one is the order confirmation of your NFT and the second one contains information on how to claim your NFT. You’ll just need to follow the instructions in the second email to claim your NFT to your MetaMask wallet. Please make sure to check your spam folder.
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