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Experiment 3: Bezier Curves As Conversation,
Courtesy of Gazelli Art House Ltd.
Copyright The Artist
About The Artwork
These bezier curves are modelled on the artists sketches of people in real conversation, fragmenting into a concertina at the arcs and seeming to go in unpredictable trajectories. Is there presence there?
‘Like two people, whose paths seem to cross, and then they don’t’ Arvo Part on a segment of Fur Alina.
About Nicola Plant
Nicola Plant is a movement artist, coder and researcher with a PhD in Media Art and Technology at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London. Specialising in motion capture, she makes movement-based interactive installations and experiences that explore human expression, embodiment, intersubjectivity and the vicarious experience of empathy.
Plant asks: What qualities of movement convey the intangible aspects of human experience? What does it mean to be embodied? How can technology augment or unsettle the experience of embodiment?