Glitched Odalisque and Pink Dome, 2019
Digital Painting
101.6 x 127 cm
Courtesy of Gazelli Art House Ltd.
Copyright The Artist
About The Artwork
Glitched odalisque was born during my Whitney Museum #Arthack in 2017.
Media: 3d & 2d CG, 3d glitched photograph. staged originally between paintings by Walther Robinson and David Salle, while set to Danny Asadi’s Persian Glitch Trap music, she reverses both the male “Gaze” through the perspective of a decolonizing Odalisque in a contemporary western art museum. The odalisque was a popular convention both in Western European and Middle Eastern 19th century schools of painting such as Qajar dynasty paintings. Both schools of painting used highly sexualized bodies of harem girls or sex slaves in seminude or fully nude compositions.
One of my personal favorite examples of my technique of Chronometric Sculpture, she has appeared in numerous #arthacks since including the viral Art Basel Miami #arthack with the #GlitchGoddess which garnered millions of views on the social media as a feminist digital art piece. For the animation I use Motion capture, modeling, deformations, dynamics, simulations and procedural 3d mesh deformations.
Since then, I have revised this animated mesh with new animated sculptural elements as Glitched Odalisque 2.0 which I finished in the summer of 2021 and rendered out as part of the intersections At Armory Show 2021 #arthack.
This is the only print from the original #GlitchedOdalisque. The background is a 3d glitch deformation of an Ahoopay ceiling. Ahoopay is the Persian architectural name for catacomb ceiling styles in Iranian and Middle eastern architecture.