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Flower Power, 2021
Animation, ERC-721 token
Courtesy of Gazelli Art House Ltd.
Copyright The Artist
About The Artwork
Flower Power is an over-arching principal of my practice. A celebration of the gratuitous beauty in flowers, it is employed as metaphor to bring levity and spark joy. Furthermore, it perfectly sums me up as artist and citizen, in embodying non-violent expression like the original flower power anti-war marches defined by Allen Ginsberg is his 1965 essay “Demonstration as spectacle, as example, as communication”.
During the second week of my residency I felt compelled to create a new flower power work in response to the strong war narrative in the news. If ever we need a resurgence of hippie anti-war activism; it’s now. So to advocate peace, and to celebrate Valentines Day, I made a love machine. I researched diverse types of energy mechanics from Nicola Tesla’s electronic motors to gravitational field theory, and Ron Hubbard’s electropsychometer. Ultimately I took inspiration from a car engine to symbolise a love making process."
Flower Power In One Word
How does it make you feel?
"An exploration of the energy and power in form, texture and narrative to evoke an emotional connection with the viewer. Flowerhead avatars are posed to embody and express the energy of one word. Unlike the oft-used ‘untitled’ there is no escaping the title of each work which screams for attention. It is purposefully out of place stylistically with the other elements in the scene to create contrast and command the narrative."
About Laura Shepherd
Formerly founder and creative director of high-end accessories label Glovedup Gloves. For over a decade Laura crafted trend-defining gloves and showpieces for designers and divas like Anna Piaggi, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Peaches, Rihanna, among many others. Her accessories and gloves featured extensively in British and Italian Vogue editorials, among many other style bibles.