Copyright The Artist
About The Artwork
PORTAL_00 is a cross-disciplinary virtual reality and live theatrical installation made in collaboration with digital artist Charles Harrop-Griffiths The 3 week research and development project was designed and developed alongside it’s creation. The PORTAL_00 was first commissioned by Boomtown Fair Festival and showcased there in August 2016. Those who stumbled upon the portable toilet were tempted in by robomorphic characters and invited to discover their hidden world within an alternate digital realm. Not only does the PORTAL_00 investigate mediums of extended experience and immersive theatre, it explores the frontiers of digital environments as place for performance to exist.
About Jocelyn Anquetil
Jocelyn Anquetil (b.1994, UK) is a visual artist and live production designer. With a background in design for performing arts and a keen interest in the creative and cultural impact of new technologies, her work explores the ever blurring lines between live experiences and digital media.
Jocelyn uses traditional methods of physical creativity and re-appropriates them for creation within mediums of new technology. Her work is inspired by and investigates digital culture and the aesthetics that are born from our growing relationship with technology and the internet.
Following her graduation from Central St Martin’s BA Performance Design and Practice (2016), Jocelyn was commissioned by the university to collaborate with choreographer Ivan Blackstock and 3D modeller Charles Harrop-Griffiths marking her first major virtual reality project. The experimental collaboration reimagined traditional methods of physical dance performance within a narrative digital environment.‘Traplord of the Flyz VR’ was showcased at the Cubitt Sessions (August 2016, Cubitt Square, London) Jocelyn was later commissioned by Boomtown Festival to create a cross-disciplinary immersive theatre/virtual reality experience.
The ‘PORTAL_00’ , a second collaboration with Charles Harrop-Griffiths has since showcased at a number of venues throughout London. Her most recent work was a second commission by Central St Martins to create an interactive piece for their exhibit ‘Altered Realities’ (March 2016). ‘Fake Breaks’ – the mock travel agency, invited participants to ‘take a virtual holiday’ from within a hammock while others were invited to take control of sensory elements such smell, touch and taste using a number of provided materials and objects. The workshop set out to explore the meaning of the term ‘immersive’ through the deprivation and augmenting of the senses.