Translucent Panes, 2022
Generative Series
Courtesy of Gazelli Art House Ltd.
Copyright The Artist
About The Artwork
Translucent panes is an experimental p5.js project utilising mathematical randomness as a basis for abstract generative art creation. Similar to my blocccles project, the core aesthetic is centred on colour blending & simple geometry.
The program starts by randomly selecting a divisor of the canvas width & height and forming a grid of rectangles.
There is then an 80% chance that these rectangles will be rotated by a randomly selected angle ranging from -180 to 180 degrees. The shape is then either assigned a solid fill colour or is rendered empty with a border width of 1 to 5 pixels.
Spicing up the outputs is a selection of 14 palettes, each holding 2 to 8 colours for the algorithm to pick from. There is a 30% chance of an output having a dark background, and 7 of 14 palettes are limited to lighter backgrounds.
During development I came across a bug which meant rectangles would render taller than anticipated, I liked it, so I kept it in. The extra shapes round the project up nicely as they collide with each other leaving a beautiful mix of colours and geometry. For fun, I also added a 40% probability of circles showing in the output.
"I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it."
About fingacode
"Hello, my name is Junior aka fingacode. I was born in Yaounde, Cameroon but have spent most of my life in North England. I’m a software engineer but my creativity is not limited to just code. I experiment with a range of technologies from generative art to interactive and augmented reality. My keen interest in music has led to me working with musicians of all sizes helping them develop their brands and visual direction. I consider my work to be dynamic, fun & vibrant with a dash of satire."