Atmos Sphaerae, 2021
Virtual Reality Installation
Courtesy of Gazelli Art House Ltd.
Copyright The Artist
About The Artwork
Music by Christoph Reiserer
Ambisonic sound by Martin Rieger/VRTonung
Created for DiMoDA 4.0 virtual VR museum, curated by Christiane Paul
Atmos Sphaerae is a deep time meditation on the changing elemental composition of the atmosphere of the planet Earth. It uses the poetic beauty of the scientific notation "Lewis structures "to make visible the atomic composition of the normally invisible molecules in the atmosphere visible. It takes the viewer from the pre Big Bang VOID through the proto-planetary gases, to the life-giving water, the Great Oxygenation Event triggered by photosynthesizing cyanobacteria, to the runaway greenhouse triggered by humans‘ voracious appetite for fossil fuels.