Becoming is a series that explores the tension between youthful naivety and rigid precision. Each piece consists of two layers; A lower layer of free flowing colors, with a texture reminiscent of water color, and a top layer of well-ordered, precisely placed shapes, applied in a manner evoking industrial production.
While often relegated to the realm of cold precision, computers are a vessel for both of the above emotions as captured in these pieces where the duality flows from the same algorithm, drawing on the same techniques.
Becoming is hopeful at it's core. The top layer never eliminates the playfulness of the structure, in fact, it helps amplify it by providing a scaffold for the whimsical colors. It speaks to a feeling that the playful and the strict are not opposite sides of a spectrum but can coexist and amplify one another.
Each piece includes a signed unique print to the first owner that claims it.