Fly-through Clip of ‘TOPSY’ (2020) Part 1, 2020
Abstract VR painting
Courtesy of Gazelli Art House Ltd.
Copyright The Artist
About The Artwork
Here’s a short fly-through of Topsy (2020) an abstract VR painting, which has over 43,000 marks based on my physical paint palettes – it’s a combination of the physical + digital = phygital. To be exhibited in PaintPark at MK Gallery Project Space from this Saturday Feb 8th to Sunday March 1st.
About Alison Goodyear
Alison Goodyear is a visual artist, researcher and educator based in Bedfordshire in the UK. Initially, her early art practice involved working as an abstract painter, using paint on canvas. Over the course of the past two years this practice has evolved into working on painting in the expanded field, testing what it is we understand as painting today and what that might mean for both the artist/maker/producer and the viewer/participant/contributor.
This work connects with Goodyear’s practice led PhD research, completed at Camberwell, Chelsea, Wimbledon Graduate School, University of the Arts London in 2017, supervised by Professor Malcolm Quinn and Professor Daniel Sturgis. This research practice examines the threshold between aesthetic and banal absorption in painter to painting relationships drawing on the theories of Denis Diderot, Michael Fried and David Joselit. It achieves this through a collaborative address to and from painting practice.